Sqlca.h File
Data types in embedded SQLTo transfer information between a program and the database server, every data item must have a data type. You can create ahost variable with any one of the supported types.Only a limited number of C data types are supported as host variables. Also, certain host variable types do not have a correspondingC type.Macros defined in the sqlca.h header file can be used to declare a host variable of type VARCHAR, FIXCHAR, BINARY, DECIMAL, or SQLDATETIME. These macrosare used as follows:EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION;DECLVARCHAR( 10 ) vvarchar;DECLFIXCHAR( 10 ) vfixchar;DECLBINARY( 4000 ) vbinary;DECLDECIMAL( 10, 2 ) vpackeddecimal;DECLDATETIME vdatetime;EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;The preprocessor recognizes these macros within a declaration section and treats the variable as the appropriate type.The following data types are supported by the embedded SQL programming interface.
Sql Cache File
VPrint version information.tTurn off auto-transaction mode.I pathSpecify an additional include path. Defaults are., /usr/local/include, the Postgres include path which isdefined at compile time (default: /usr/local/pgsql/lib), and /usr/include.oSpecifies that ecpgshould write all its output to outfile. If no such optionis given the output is written to name.c,assuming the input file was named name.pgc.If the input file does have the expected.pgc suffix, then the output file willhave.pgc appended to the inputfile name. FileThe files to be processed. Note: The sqlca is inlowercase. While SQL convention may be followed, i.e.,using uppercase to separate embedded SQL from C statements,sqlca (which includes the sqlca.h header file) MUST belowercase.
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This is because the EXEC SQL prefix indicatesthat this INCLUDE will be parsed by ecpg. Ecpg observes case sensitivity(SQLCA.h will not be found). EXEC SQLINCLUDE can be used to include other header files aslong as case sensitivity is observed.The sqlprint command is used with the EXEC SQL WHENEVERstatement to turn on error handling throughout the program:EXEC SQL WHENEVER sqlerror sqlprint;andEXEC SQL WHENEVER not found sqlprint. QueriesIn general, SQL queries acceptable to other applicationssuch as psql can be embeddedinto your C code.