1555 De Teste Nursing Pdf
INTRODUCTIONThe surgical center is considered a complex unit in relation to its specificity, which brings about risks inherent to the work activity for the staff of this workplace. The incorporation of technology in the surgical practice is essential to minimize risks to patients and facilitate the procedures performed. VariablesSurgical technologistn= 27Non-surgical technologistn= 19Age in yearsAverage (SD)44.0 (7.7)46.0 (8.1)Minimum2925Maximum5856Working time in yearsAverage (SD)15.0 (9.1)11.0 (9.6)Minimum00Maximum3531Gendern (%)Female21 (45.7)16 (34.8)Male6 (13.0)3 (6.5)Occupationn(%)Nurses0 (0)10 (21.7)Nursing technicians and assistants27 (58.7)9 (19.6).SD (Standard Deviation)shows the prevalence of signs and symptoms related to the inhalation of surgical smoke from the surgical center’s nursing staff. DISCUSSIONRegarding the worktime in the surgical center, a survey conducted in the United States found that practically 70% of the nurses had more than 16 years of experience, a result close to that found in the present study, as well as, in Turkey, 23.5% of respondents reported operating in the surgical center area for more than 15 years.In Brazil, the nursing team that acts in the surgical center is composed of nurses, perfusionist nurses, nursing technicians and surgical technologists. Surgical instrumentation is an activity restricted to the professional who performed the course of surgical instrumentation, but even if this is a nursing activity, it is not exclusive to this profession, but the person performing it should be supervised by the unit’s technical leader.
In this study, surgical technologists are nursing assistants and technicians (58.7%).In relation to the signs and symptoms related to the inhalation of surgical smoke, in a cross-sectional study performed with resident physicians of several surgical specialties, 58% reported foreign body sensation in the throat, 22% burning in the pharynx, 4% nausea and 2% nasal congestion. In this study, nasal congestion and nausea and vomiting were found to be more prevalent among surgical technologists, with 6.5% and 19.6%, respectively.A research performed with surgical center nurses, medical surgeons and anesthesiologists found that among the group of nurses, the most common symptoms were headache (48.9%), cough (48.9%) and nausea (44.4%). In the medical group there was a predominance of headache (58.3%) followed by other symptoms such as sneezing, irritation, respiratory tract infections, weakness, myalgia, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, nasopharyngeal lesions, abdominal pain and vomiting. All the findings of this study were superior when compared to the present investigation, in which the cough symptom was not found.In this study, the prevalence of headache was 32.6%; eye irritation 28.2%; nasal congestion and sneezing 23.9%; irritation of the nasal mucosa and oral cavity 19.6%. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the act of instrumenting and the prevalence of signs and symptoms in the surgical technologist group, mainly eye irritation (p=0.02), irritation of the nasal mucosa and oral cavity (p=0.03), and headache (p=0.04).
1555 De Teste Nursing Pdf Download
Nasal congestion and sneezing were close to statistical significance (p=0.06).This research evidenced a higher prevalence of all signs and symptoms among the professionals who work as surgical technologists; there was a statistically significant difference between the act of instrumenting with the presence of at least one of the signs and symptoms related to the inhalation of surgical smoke (p=0.01). After its formation, surgical smoke is rapidly dispersed in surgical rooms; however, in the surgeons’ respiratory height, the concentrations of the chemical components of the smoke can be 40 to 100 times greater than in the rest of the environment.The surgical technologists are the workers that besides the surgeons are very close to the operative field, presenting greater possibility of inhalation of the surgical smoke when compared with the professionals who do not perform this activity, which may explain the statistical significance found in this study. It should be noted that eyes irritation, irritation of the nasal mucosa and oral cavity and headache can have consequences for the worker who performs it in the long term.A study indicated the precautions used for individual protection by professionals using electrocautery.
Soundbombing vol 2 rar torrent. It was found that 91.1% of the nurses and 86.1% of the physicians use common surgical masks. However, the use of this type of mask does not provide adequate protection for the filtration and protection against the risks inherent in the inhalation of surgical smoke.
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