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FOUR VEILS BETWEEN GOD AND MANWhat is a veil? It is a coveringor curtain made from earthen fabric that hides something from being seen, orthat separates two places, or prevents passage from one place to another.
Itcan also represent a passage way from one place into another. Well, all ofthese things will be seen in the 4 veils that will want to study this morning.There is a fifth veil also taughtin the Bible, that we will study in the near future. This fifth veil is a headcovering that is worn by the woman of God, particularly in the worship servicesof God. This veil covers the natural glory of the woman, and symbolizes hersubjection to the leadership of the men in God’s designed order of worship. Butwe will study this veil in detail in another message.This morning we want to notice 4veils that are taught in the Holy Scriptures, which either separate men fromGod, or otherwise provide access for men to go to God; whether symbolically orliterally. These veils include the veil of the tabernacle (and temple), theveil between Heaven and earth, the veil of Christ’s flesh, and the veil of theheart.1. The veil of the tabernacle and temple:Exodus 26:31 And thou shalt make a vail of blue,and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work: with cherubimsshall it be made: 32 And thou shalthang it upon four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold: their hooksshall be of gold, upon the four sockets of silver.
33 And thou shalt hang up the vail under thetaches, that thou mayest bring in thither within the vail the ark of thetestimony: and the vail shall divide unto you between the holy place andthe most holy.Firstwe want to notice the nature and the purpose of this veil:This veil was a curtain thatseparated or divided between the holy place and the most holy place. The holyplace was the place of worship and service to God in the tabernacle and thenlater in the temple.
Only the priests were allowed inside the holy place to dotheir service to God. We can find the church in type here.
The closest place toGod in this world today is the Lord’s Church, and only true born again,baptized believers may enter in and worship and serve God in His Church.Consider yourselves to be a special people to God this morning.Next, the most holy place, or theholy of holies, represents the presence of God in Heaven, and it was there thatGod met with His people, the nation of Israel. The veil separated the holyplace from the most holy place. Only the high priest was ever allowed into themost holy place, and then only with the blood of the atoning sacrifice. Thus,the veil separated the people from the presence of God. This separation, orprohibition, was caused by mankind’s sin. Sin, and sinful mankind therefore,are forbidden to enter the presence of God in there sinful condition. Why?Because God is perfectly Holy without sin, and He will not allow sin to enterinto His presence or to defile His Holy habitation in Heaven.
Thus, the veilactually separated sinful man from God in the tabernacle worship, and alsotypified the separation of sinful man with God in Heaven. Beloved, so muchcould be said here about the high priest and all that he had to do to preparehimself and the people before he entered the most holy place, and how that hetypified the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice, but we do not havetime this morning.This veil was not only a means ofseparation and prohibition between the presence of God and man, but we shouldalso point out that it was also the means of access and entrance into thepresence of God by sinful man. The other sides of the most holy place werereinforced with boards overlade with gold and thus these other sides could notbe entered through, but praise the Lord, the veil could be entered through! Oh,beloved, thank God that He made a way for man to enter into His presencethrough the veil! Otherwise we would be forever forbidden into Heaven. ThankGod for the veil! Please keep these thoughts in our minds as we go through themessage this morning.Secondly,we want to notice the construction of the veil:The veil was made of one curtain,symbolic perhaps of the one, and only one way into the presence of God.
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It wasmade of fine twined linen. They say that Egyptian linen was so pure and whitethat no fuller on earth could make so white. Thus the veil was constructed ofpure and white linen, symbolic of God’s holiness. The fine twined linen theysay was six times doubled and four fingers thick, which was symbolic of thegreat strength of the veil separating man from God, and also of the greatstrength of the only entrance into Heaven.
The veil was to be of cunning work.That is, it was to be crafted with the utmost skill, which was symbolic ofGod’s absolute perfection.The veil was also made of blue,purple, and of scarlet. Blue often represents Heaven as one looks up into theblue earthly Heavens toward the third Heaven. Thus blue in the veil mayrepresent the way into the third Heaven where God dwells. Purple representsroyalty as of a great King, thus purple in the veil is symbolic of the royaltyof Almighty God. Scarlet represents the blood of the atoning sacrifice, or assome believe, the suffering servant. Thus, scarlet is symbolic of the atoningblood by which men must enter into the presence of God.The veil had cherubimsembroidered into it. These were perhaps symbolic of the holy angels guardingthe way into the most holy place and into Heaven itself.
Perhaps they served asa warning to men against trying to enter into that most holy place, except bythe only means that God prescribed in His Word! Oh, there are so manyreligionists today who are trying to get into Heaven some other way than theway that God has designed!The veil hung on four pillars ofwood that were overlade with gold. The number four is believed by some, to bethe number of the earth (4 winds, 4 corners, etc.), and wood also is symbolicof the earthly nature. Thus the four pillars may be symbolic of the earthlycharacter of the veil. The 4 pillars were also overlade with Gold. Gold issymbolic of deity, and therefore the pillars overlade with gold are symbolic ofthe Heavenly nature of the veil. The veil was made of earthen materials, but itwas of heavenly design and origin.The 4 pillars were supported bysockets of silver.
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Silver in the Bible, is symbolic of redemption, and thesockets of silver may symbolize redemption through the veil.Finally, the veil was hung on gold hooks, which symbolizes that the wayinto Heaven was of God’s making, and the way to Heaven is kept in place byAlmighty God and His deity and His power.2. Secondly we want to see the veil betweenHeaven and earth:Hebrews 6:19 Which hope we have as an anchor of thesoul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;20 Whither the forerunner is for usentered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order ofMelchisedec.The imagery in this verse is tothe veil in the tabernacle, which was symbolic of the literal veil betweensinful mankind on earth, and the Holy God in Heaven. There is a literal veil, Ibelieve, which separates Heaven from earth, God from man, Holiness from sin,the spiritual world from the earthy. Beloved, we think of Heaven as being sofar away. Yes, it no doubt is far away, but that is not why we can’t see heavenfrom here. There is a veil between us and that place, which prevents us fromseeing into the third Heaven, and from seeing God and His holy throne, and theHoly angels, and the holy saints of God. This veil is symbolized by the sea ofglass that Ezekiel saw in his vision (Ezekiel 1:22), and that John saw inRevelation 4:6; 15:2.I thoroughly believe, withoutshadow of a doubt, that if the veil between Heaven and earth were removed thisvery moment, that we could see directly into Heaven, and see God on His throne,and Jesus at the right hand of God, and the heavenly host worshipping their Godand Creator and Savior.
This Stephen saw in Acts 7:55. This all wicked menduring the great tribulation period will see in Revelation 6:14-17.The third Heaven was veiled offfrom earthly view no doubt because of sin. Sin has separated mankind from God.Sin is universal.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans3:23). Therefore all men are veiled off from seeing into Heaven and from seeingGod, because we are all unholy and sinful creatures.
We are all as an uncleanthing (Isaiah 64:6). The very fact that we cannot see into Heaven, and that wecannot see God is in itself a declaration of the universal sinfulness anddepravity of mankind before the Holy God of Heaven.3. The veil of Christ’s Flesh:Hebrews 10:19-20 Having therefore, brethren, boldness toenter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us,through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;Here in this passage, the fleshor body of Jesus is likened to the veil in the tabernacle. Jesus is thereforelikened to the only entrance into Heaven and the presence of God. Thus thetypology concludes that Jesus is the true veil and the only way into Heaven.Now let us make the analogy between the construction of that veil to Christ.The veil was made of one curtain,so Christ is the one and only Savior and way into God’s presence.

The veil wasmade of fine, pure white linen. So Christ was Holy, harmless, undefiled, andseparate from sinners. The veil was constructed of fine twined linen, so Christis the strong and mighty Savior, who is able to save to the uttermost all whocome unto God by Him (Heb. The veil was to be of cunning work, so Christwas the perfect and sinless Son of God, Who possesses all of the perfectionsand attributes of God, because He is God the Son.The veil, we saw, was also madeof blue, purple, and of scarlet. Blue represented the way into Heaven and toGod, so Jesus is the way, the only way to the Father. Purple represented theroyalty of Almighty God, so Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.Scarlet represented the blood of the atoning sacrifice, so Christ is theatoning sacrifice for the sins of all His chosen people.The veil had cherubimsembroidered into it, so Christ was always accompanied by the Heavenly host ofangels. At His birth they announced His coming (Luke 2:13-14); after Histemptations in the wilderness they ministered to Him (Matt.
4:11); in thegarden of Gethsemane the angel strengthened Him (Luke 22:43-44); at His arrestin the garden, Jesus said that He could presently call 12 legions of angels toprotect Him (Matt. 26:53); at His tomb two angels announced His resurrectionfrom the dead (Luke 24:5-7); and at His ascension back to Heaven the angelsannounced His second coming (Acts1:10-11). The angels will also come back with Jesus at His second coming, and takepart in that great and terrible Day of the Lord. No doubt angels today alsoguarding the way into Heaven, by protecting the way of salvation, which is byfaith in the pure gospel message of Jesus Christ and His work of redemption onthe cross of Calvary. And no doubt the angels are warning men today againsttrying to enter God’s presence through another way, and through another gospel,which there is no other, save Christ and Him crucified for the remission ofsins.The veil hung on four pillarsmade of wood which pictured the earthly nature, so Christ took upon an earthlybody in order to become that scarlet sacrifice for our sins. The four pillarswere also overlade with Gold which pictures deity, so was Christ the deifiedSon of God sent down from Heaven to be our Savior.The sockets of silver we saidwere symbolic of redemption.
So Christ is our Redeemer. He purchased andredeemed His people with His own blood on the cross of Calvary.Finally, the veil was hung on gold hooks, which symbolized that the wayinto Heaven was of God’s keeping. So Christ, Who is the only way for sinful mento go to Heaven, is kept in place by God’s power.
God keeps the way ofsalvation pure. He keeps and preserves the gospel message from being corruptedby sinful men, or the devil and his angels. God keeps the gospel message inplace so that men may hear it and believe it and thereby approach unto Godthrough the veil, which is Jesus Christ and His work of redemption on the crossof Calvary.Nowwe want to see the veil in the temple torn in two:Matthew 27:50-51 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loudvoice, yielded up the ghost.
51 And,behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; andthe earth did quake, and the rocks rent;At the very moment of Jesus’ death,the veil in the temple was rent in two from top to bottom. The veil of Christ’sflesh was torn on that cross, thus God showed the true meaning of the type whenHe tore the veil in two. Thus the great barrier between sinful man and Holy Godhas been taken away, and the way into Heaven through the torn body and blood ofJesus has been made. The great mystery of the veil of Christ’s flesh, and theveil in the temple, and the veil between Heaven and earth is solved here on thecross of Calvary when Jesus died for sinners. God made the way for sinful manto go to Heaven through the death of Jesus Christ His Son. This was picturedwhen the veil was rent from top to bottom.
This showed that God made the way,and that this way is through His Son.4. The veil of the heart:2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until thisday remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament;which vail is done away in Christ. 15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon theirheart. 16 Nevertheless when it shallturn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.The veil of the heart is the veilof spiritual blindness and ignorance and unbelief upon the hearts of the lost.Israel as a people, by and large, are veiled from the truth of the gospel. They still don’t understand MOSES and thepurpose of the law to lead them to Christ, Who is the veil of salvation and theway into the presence of God.How much different are thegentiles today. They, too, are veiled from seeing the truth of the gospel.
Theytrust in keeping the law. They trust in their good deeds and “righteous” works.They trust in their baptism and their church membership for salvation. They,like the Jews, are trying to enter in to God’s presence another way, and notthrough the veil.
Beloved, they too, have a veil on their hearts. They can’tsee the simplicity of the gospel. They can’t understand that salvation is bysimple faith in what Jesus did on the cross.
They can’t believe that Jesusdied, was buried, and rose again the third day for their sins. They can’tbelieve this gospel that they might have the forgiveness of all their sins, andeternal life, and a sure hope of entering into the very presence of God inHeaven. Yes, like the Jews, and Gentiles also have this veil of unbelief upontheir hearts. One day, beloved, this veil of unbelief will be destroyed fromoff the hearts of the people:Isaiah 25:7 “And he will destroy in this mountain theface of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over allnations.”Oneday the veil will be removed from off the heart of Israel as a nation and shewill see her Messiah, and the veil of His flesh! Yes, they shall look upon HimWhom they pierced, and they shall repent and believe in Jesus as their Lord andSavior.
One day the vale will also be destroyed from off of the nations of theearth, when Jesus comes back to establish His millennial kingdom.Conclusion:Ourdesire, and our hope, and our prayer to God is that He will remove the veilfrom off some heart this morning. That God might be pleased by His amazinggrace, to show some lost and helpless sinner your need of Jesus as yoursuffering sacrifice for your sins.MayGod grant even this morning, that some heart-broken, penitent sinner mightreceive entrance into Heaven through the veil; that is, by faith in the LordJesus Christ.Canyou believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on thecross for you, and that He was buried in the tomb, and rose again the third dayfor you? If not, may God remove that veil from off your heart!Ifyou do believe in Jesus this morning, have you confessed Him before men, andhave you submitted to scriptural baptism, and faithful membership in the Lord’sChurch?Ifyou are a saved member of the Lord’s Church, are you thankful for the veilremoved?Isthe Lord speaking to you today? If so, answer His voice in obedience to Hiscommand!

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